Sunday, September 6, 2015

This I Believe #28, Freewriting

I will free write on the number 28 of my list, that sunsets are more beautiful than sunrises. I am having a hard time coming up with things to say when I'm more focused on keeping my hands moving,clacking away on the keys. Don't stop, bug think of something to say about sunsets. I like sunsets because... because because they signal that the day is ending. No more hot weather, no more heavy traffic. God I hate rush hour traffic. At three am you never encounter traffic jams in my town. I like driving at night. And I guess sunset is the barrier separating day from night. I am noticing typos now and I want so badly to stop and fix them. I wonder if i can fix them after the ten minutes of free writing is done. I hope so. They really bother me. The point of this is number twenty eight on my list. Free writing about sunsets being better than sunrises. A personal belief of mine. I guess that isn't a very heavy personal belief. Not like "I believe that the Republican party is the only hope for America!!!" or something like that. I guess it's really just a preference about which one a prefer. I feel like I should have written more already. This is difficult, and my left hand is starting to feel a little pained. I've never free written before. The colors of sunrises and sunsets are nearly identical aren't they? Is there any solid difference between the two? I wonder if i could look at a photo and distinguish if it was a sunrise or sunset. Sunrise sunset. Sunrise sunset. There is a song that begins with those words, but I can't think of who it's by right now. Maybe Elliott Smith? I'm not sure. Am I halfway done? I believe I am. I can't believe I haven't stopped writing this entire time. The sound of the fan is getting annoying, and I usually like white noise, but it's still distracting me from writing about sunsets. I think I've had so many good memories watching sunsets, they are when I can kick back, have some wine with friends, or sit on the front porch playing guitar. Night time always seems more fun to me. I remember when I was a kid, my father would work 2nd shift, getting home at midnight. I would force myself to stay awake and spend time with him. That was always fun. I wonder if that created my preference for night time over getting up very early. I wonder if that will change as I get older? I always hear that old people go to bed super early. Now I'm thinking of my grandmother because I typed old people. I need  to call my grandmother. It's been way too long. According to my clock I have one minute left of free writing. It's down to the home stretch. I think when that clock turns over to ten I'll stop just wherever a I am . Whatever sentence I happen to be on,  Sunrises are nice. I just like sunsets better. They are so much more rom

Times up. I was going to say more romantic. 528 words total. But they all sound like words from a child. I have a hard time appreciating this as anything other than gibberish.
Oh well. Freewriting.
Word count, 528 in ten minutes.

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